Tamara Alves (b. 1983) is a Portuguese artist, based in Lisbon who’s inspired by urban life. Making use of supports with multifaceted characteristics – from painting to illustration, from tattoos to street art.
The work of Tamara Alves represents an erotic view of a contemporary body with the effects of its own limits expanded. Instead of a rational thinking there’s a rough passion, a body-without-organs, a becoming animal, the experienced sensations, "starving histerical naked" (Allen Ginsberg).
Since 2000 that she has been a part of several projects, group and solo exhibitions, street art interventions. She's one of the most notorious female street artists in Portugal.
Find What You Love And Let It Kill You
Wild Orphan
UNderwater UN|love stories
Fire Walk With Me
UNderwater UN|love stories
25 de Abril Hoje (detail)
25 de Abril 2017
UNderwater UN|love stories
TIGRESS INTERLACED GEOMETRY (Collaboration with Add Fuel)
Dream Eater
Wild Orphan
Fire Walk with Me