From the beginning in 2011,  Lilyluciole focused her art on exploring feminine power and reclaiming her identity through images of the body and spirituality.  This is why she created  her  first works celebrating  the diversity of real women as her muse. She chose to become a street artist to make sure her all-embracing vision makes  a real impact on people.

Lilyluciole creates her visual world using paper collage, photography, and stencil. She is moving towards exploring new artistic possibilities with video and installation work. Lilyluciole expresses her creativity through visual art since her childhood; she continued thereafter her studies in field of photography and video at the University Paris 8.

Particularly active as a street artist since 2011, Lilyluciole focused her art on exploring feminine power and reclaiming her identity through images of the body throught her artwork in Paris, Montreal, NYC, Berlin and others cities.

From the beginning of her artistic activity, Lilyluciole was inspired mainly by portraits of African and Asian women. She multiplies  the infinite charm,  sensuality, and strength of her female muses, magnifying them on street walls with kaleidoscopic colors, light and organic forms emerging or escaping from inside the art. 

The idea of this work is to bring attention to physicalities which are still too underrepresented  in a society that values mainly the Caucasian/white ideals of beauty. 

2011 Montréal / PC: JY Perrodin

2013 Montreal / PC: JY Perrodin

2013 Rio de Janeiro Urban Hearts

2014 Paris  / PC: Sylvain Borsatti

2015 Pirenopolis / PC: Lilyluciole

2015 Pirenopolis / PC: Lilyluciole

2016 Montreal: Wonder Brunette

2016 Montreal: Wonder Brunette

2016 Montréal / PC: JY Perrodin



2016 Paris / PC: Lilyluciole

2016 Montréal PC: JY Perrodin

2017 Paris / PC: Areti Tzia

2016 Montréal / PC: JY Perrodin

2017 Paris / PC: Areti Tzia

2016 Montreal PC: JY Perrodin

2017 Paris / PC: Areti Tzia

2017 Paris  / PC: Claude Degoutte

2017 Paris / PC: Lilyluciole

2017 Paris /PC: Patrick Merabti